Sunday, March 15, 2009

More Double Weave

I'm preparing to do a presentation to my weaving guild about double weave. As I wove and watched tv, I realized that I may finally have gotten bit by the doubleweave pick-up bug.

Previous attempts at doing doubleweave pick-up were slow, and tedious--cute (remember Fred the Fish?), but painfully slow.

My new set-up included nice, clean, hand-drawn graphs (patterns from a knitting book!)...and the trick seemed to be watching tv while weaving! Gone was the tedium of the 4-passes-per-square! Most of my brain was elsewhere, and a tiny bit of the brain and my hands were busy!

Here's the set-up:

the loom: 4-harness structo
the yarn: 5/2 mercerized cotton warp, 15 epi (doubled) sett
10/2 unmercerized cotton weft

The graphs are held onto a handle at the top of the loom with a binder clip.

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