Wednesday, November 08, 2006

More than meets the eye

It's easy to take pictures of the pretty stuff! I did a dyeing day last week and have been spinning up the 1 ounce strips of roving. Some are solid colors (like the pink), some are stripped (like the bobbin on the flyer), and one was more motley than anything else. The colors were mostly chosen as an experiment with my new dyes. I needed to see what colors could be produced...And the answer is lots! :)

The non-photo documented work is the sewing, cutting, and washing of my long weaving sample. I cut it into sections based on weft fiber, keeping wool sections together, and rayons together, etc. Half of the sections have been washed and ironed. Half are awaiting the wash!

As an interesting aside, I listened to weavecast this week and they were discussing the use of a group of three threads as if it were a single one for a warp. It supposedly produces a softer fabric than using a single, larger warp thread. In cleaning up some of the stash I inherited, I came across a ball of yarn made up of three threads! I guess I'll be using that as warp sometime soon!

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