Friday, March 08, 2013

Things that Come and Go

There are some projects that come and go so quickly that all I have left is an empty loom.  For sake of the photo, I grabbed the waste thrums from the project and draped them over the shafts!  

This piece was a single color warp, single color weft that wove wonderfully fast!  The structure is 8-shaft crackle (a point twill variant) and it probably took me longer to choose my threading and warp the loom than it did to weave it all.--Ok, it helps that it was a short warp, just three yards, but still.  It was fast weaving!

The black and tan yardage is for me to use.  The other half of the warp is green and tan that I plan to use for a group project my weaving guild is doing.

The only problem with projects like this that come and go so that I want more!  And now I "have to" warp the loom and start weaving all over again.  :)  That's a good sort of bummer! 

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