Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Weaving Around Christmastime

 It's Christmastime!

This big (oh, dear.  It's true.  A five yard warp can be very big for me!) project finally got cut off the avl!  I switched to a different weft near the end and got a visible pattern: 

The fabric was sewn, cut apart (two blue sections, one yellow-ish), washed and put into use! The invisible pattern in the blue on blue section becomes visible when the sun shines through the window where it is being used as a curtain!

And look what I got to play with!  It's Anne Dixon's Inkle Pattern Directory book.  At the left is my little inkle loom warped in 5/2 cotton and a rayon.  The pattern is one of the early ones in the book.  My goal is to weave a new belt strap.  I'm not sure that this is going to be stiff enough to work, but I'll weave it up and give it a test run.  I'm looking forward to trying the Baltic patterns in the book!


EGunn said...

Sounds like fun! I'm hoping to get a new warp on this weekend, but that means I have to get the old one off first. We'll see what happens!

The inkle pattern directory looks like great fun...enjoy playing!

Kim Baxley said...

I also got this book just to do the baltic patterns but I cannot figure out how to do the pick up.