Friday, February 10, 2012

Tunis Preparations

 This bundle of fluff is some Tunis wool.  The tip ends were a bit matted, so I flick carded the locks (both the tip and the cut end) and then hand carded them into rolags for woolen spinning.
Here are my flick carded piles ready for hand carding into rolags.  Unfortunately, I forgot to snap a photo of the rolags.  I made two different types--the first was from the flick carded locks and they were very even and clean.  The second type was from the waste off the flick carder (see the messy pile at the lower left corner of the photo?).  The second type of rolag was more irregular, with odds and ends to pick out.
Here's the resulting yarn.  It is a fine (32-45 WPI) woolen single.  It's pretty and it is soft and cushy.  The white card at the top is information for the Handweavers Guild of America (HGA)'s Certificate of Excellence program.  I have 40 or so 1-ounce skeins to spin for the program.  I am learning "gobs" as I go.  My only hope at this point is that I don't get to the end, look back at my early work (like this skein) and say, "yuck! I can't turn that in!" and have to respin a bunch of these!

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