Blocking lace. I love the effect of blocking pieces of knit lace. The yarn over holes open up and the stockingette stitch areas become smooth... I love it!
Fixing mistakes. Sooner or later I usually fix my mistakes. It wasn't until I began to weave that I finally understood that if I could see a mistake then I would always be able to see the mistake. More often then not, there is no effective cover-up for a mistake. This one was a denting error, ten threads in from the edge on a warp that had already given me fits. I tried to brush it off..."It will never show with the thick weft..." It showed. So, I stopped weaving, pulled out the weft, fixed the denting error and began to weave again. It looks much better without the error!
Sewing. My daughter decided that she needed a new dress. She did some shopping and came home empty handed. She went through my pattern books and found a dress design she liked. I slowly began to work on it. This pattern is from a collection by "The Golden Rule". Each pattern is printed in miniature and the seamstress enlarges it based on the measurements of the wearer. So I measured. I drafted. I made a muslin (I knew I would need it! The pattern was older and I was sure the fit would be different from my daughter's preferred style....) I modified the pattern and finally made the dress. I had to promise to not put her head in the final picture, but here it is. The collar is gathered at the neck and comes down to a point at the center front and back. The purple is amazing with her reddish-blond hair!
Knitting, frogging, and knitting again. I would like to knit shawls. I have a little "shawlette" that is wonderful to wear around the house. It's just enough to warm my back and shoulders, but not enough to get in the way of doing things. I have a new shawl book, so I found a pattern I liked and cast on. Of course I modified it...and in the end, I didn't like it. This is a traditional triangle shawl with a point at the center back. I'm not fond of the style (why did I cast on?) and I didn't like how stiff the finished fabric felt. I kept going, hoping that things would get better, but they didn't. In this photo, the shawl is off the needles and on a string so I could wrap it around me and see how it worked. It didn't. It got to sit on the table for a few hours while I did some research and chose a new shawl design. Then it got frogged.

This was one of the reasons I frogged the shawl. I knit a sample with an extra ball of the same batch of yarn on bigger needles. It was so much softer and had much better drape. I tried one more needle size after this picture. Swatching is really helpful!
In my research to save my shawl, I discovered a new webpage: Laylock Knitwear Design. The shawls are fun, but scroll down and look on the right hand side for the "Shawl Knitting Cheat Sheet". Wow! It's a single page pdf with instructions for make five different shapes of shawls all from the same three stitch cast-on! I've decided to make a "heart-shaped" or crescent shawl because it will have longer ends for tying. And, I made some swatches:Neither of these have been blocked, but they are here anyway! On the right is the pattern as written by Laylock Knitwear. On the left is my modified version--no yarn-over holes and a three stitch garter edge. The knitting is progressing. I hope there will be another shawlette in my drawer soon!